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Updated: Apr 30

Improving Organizational Climate - Aditi Sachde

Induction Program

Induction of people new to the organization is a continuing training need for businesses small and large. Much energy and effort is devoted to Induction, often without too much effective return either for the individual(s) concerned or for the organization. This is a shame as the Induction period immediately after joining is a very important one for everyone concerned.

From the individual's point of view it is the period where they find their feet, learn about their new organization, their new job and the people with whom they will be working. It is also the period during which they absorb the culture, ethics and standards of the business and begin to form judgments about what is acceptable and non-acceptable in terms of behaviors and inputs.

From the organization's point of view Induction is the period which, if used effectively equips and prepares the new joiner for their role and gives them the basic knowledge required to begin functioning effectively and safely at the earliest possible moment. Induction is also the period during which the employer can quickly confirm the wisdom of the decision the individual has made to come and work there and make them feel welcomed and valued.

What should Induction address?

One way of devising an effective Induction content is to think in terms of providing three sets of information / knowledge - these are:

· what the new entrant needs/wants to know

· what the organization , as a good employer wants to make known to the individual

· What has to be made known to the new entrant e.g. legislative requirements, employment conditions etc.

What the Individual wants to know?

Interestingly, the key early concerns of all new entrants, irrespective of age or seniority tend to be similar. These early concerns are about very personal issues such as:

· Who are my bosses and what are they like?

· Who will I be working with? What are they like?

· What are the arrangements for pay, holidays, meal breaks, and flexi time?

· What is my workplace like? Will I have all the equipment I need?

· What are the 'rules', standards etc which I need to fit in with?

Until these personal issues are addressed the new entrant will have little interest in, or retention of, other information.

What the good Employer wants to share with the New Entrant

The employing organization will want to ensure that the new employee receives quite a range of information. This is explained by this design:

This represents a lot of information, all of it important, both to the individual's understanding of what is required of them and why and to their competence and willingness to make the necessary contribution. Many people and sources will be involved in providing the necessary information. Careful thought needs to be given to timing and method of delivery to ensure that learning takes place effectively for the new individual.

Legislative Information

This is the driest and possibly least interesting information from the New Entrants' point of view, The Health and Safety at Work Act, The Data Protection Act, Intellectual copyright, Food Hygiene Regulations and other compliance issues may all, or in part, be necessary knowledge. They are not, however, appropriate information to impart during the crucial first two or three days, and particularly not in a course situation. Much better to have this information readily available in one or more permanent formats e.g. intranet, video, booklet etc, and to make sure that an opportunity is structured and provided whereby the new individual has a chance to access the necessary information. The involvement of the Line Manager as overseer, and/or the use of an Induction Checklist which can be signed off on receipt of the information will ensure that the necessary information is accessed by the New Joiner.

Methods for Induction Training

A range of methods exists which can contribute to effective Induction. The methods available include:

· formal input sessions

· intranet information and access

· computer-based CDs

· text-based self-study material

· projects

· Planned work exposure.

Sensible use of a mixture of these methods will:

· balance information delivery

· engage the New Joiner's early enthusiasm for learning about the organization and the job

· reduce the input necessary from Line Managers and others

· Ensure that learning and information transfer takes place for the new joiner.

Timing of Information

It is realistic to assume that for their first couple of days the new joiner will make a limited contribution in the job itself. Most of their attention will be focused on getting settled in. The diagram below shows the likely balance of learning and work contribution over the first month of employment.

It will, of course, be important that on their first day, the new joiner gets to their workplace and meets key people. One very effective way of making the best use of these early days is to have a learner/new joiner focused package available which, once given to the individual, can be used by them to shape their learning by visits, reading, access to the intranet and organization documentation. This package could be based, as a number which DBA have developed, on an agreed checklist of information/learning to be experienced by the new leaner, based on the headings given earlier. The checklist can indicate the 'what', 'where' or from 'whom' it is to be acquired and give an indication of when during the first few weeks of employment the learning is to take place. Other more formal inputs can be scheduled between the individual and their Line Manager.

Personal Responsibility

The self-driven Induction package based on the checklist mentioned above makes use of the individual's enthusiasm and interest, takes the chore of Induction away from the busy Line Manager. By programming necessary get-togethers and using the checklist to sign-off training received it legitimizes the New Entrant's search for information. Such an approach to Induction is very much in line with current thinking on lifelong learning and personal responsibility for learning. It also provides a clear seamless link to continuing training development and, where appropriate, a career progression. The latter stages of the package can contain an analysis, against a competence framework if one exists, or against some other agreed form of list. Having completed this assessment the individual can, with their Manager and trainers, where appropriate, agree a Personal Development Plan for the first six months to a year of their employment.

Induction is necessary to be rapid, for effective integration of New Joiners. Badly handled it can be costly in terms of early leavers, demotivated individuals, wrong learning taking place, mistakes made, and problems created.

Well-designed Induction can capitalize on the investment in recruitment, motivate New Joiners and ensure that the organization benefits from the early integration of effective and competent employees.

Importance of induction program

“What will happen if we do not train new recruit in the organization and they stay on”. While keeping the above statement in mind, think the importance of induction program.

Induction training is very essential for any company because it helps an individual/new recruit to grow within a company and motivates him/her. It inculcates in the employee, more confidence to progress. It is during induction that a new recruit gets to know about the organization's employment philosophy, physical work environment, employee's rights, employee's responsibilities, organization, culture and values along with key business processes.

A new entrant should culturally fit in an organization. Interaction at this stage shapes an individual's disposition and outlook for work and motivation levels. The importance of induction cannot be underestimated.

Involvement in Induction programs (should be’s)

Induction program must/should include all the aspects of the organization and present for the awareness of the new employee. Like emergency procedures, facilities, safety issues, right’s of the employee, what to be paid, no harassment, equal opportunity, grievance procedures, employee responsibilities, times, conduct standards, job function, dress requirements, organizational structure, what it does, how they fit in, who is their Manager, the functions of different departments, how the employee will be managed, what the performance management process will involve, and his/her role in that process, are the few concern areas during an Induction program.

Induction should be conducted on the first day of the new recruit from the gate of the organization itself. For induction only higher management or Head of HR or Senior should be addressing the new entrant. It should also involve the employees of the new entrant department. An effective induction helps a new employee feel assured and comfortable in the new environment, which is critical for early uptake in the new role. Induction should always be interactive. It also provides an opportunity to the new entrant to engrain the original values and ethics as well as the style of functioning. Escorting a new entrant will be one of the best and most impact induction step. It should always be interesting and must hold the attention of the new employee.

Impact of Bad induction program

Bad induction = attrition

Bad induction program does not only leads to confusion, stress and de-motivation, but one of the most disastrous effect will be the attrition. Losing a new entrant of staff and having to replace them costs about 25% of their salary/wage. Providing too much, too soon; the inductee must not be overwhelmed by a mass of information on the first day. Bad Induction program generates unreasonable expectations by being more interesting and more exciting than the job itself

Employee Feedback

In this an employee is given a feedback form where in he will rate the organization on various parameter that is the basic infrastructure which includes the canteen washrooms computer internet etc other parameter includes the training and development program conducted etc .In this form employees identity is not revealed. This feedback form helps the organization to know what they are lacking which are the areas of concern what the expectations attitudes are and believes of employees. The employees have to the rate the parameter on the scale of strongly agree to strongly disagree. Given below is an example of an employee feedback form

1. The cost of family coverage is reasonable and affordable. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree

2) Reimbursement of insurance claims are received in a timely manner. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree

3) Please tell us how satisfied you are with the employee short-term disability plan. Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Undecided Satisfied Very Satisfied

4) Please tell us how we can improve our employee benefit package.

Please tell us how much you agree or disagree with the following statements:

5) Employees are treated fairly and equally. Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

6) Please rate the following areas by level of importance with 1 being most important and 6 being least important.







Employee recognition program

Ability to make decisions

Comfortable work environment

Employee training program

Company picnic

Christmas party

7) How satisfied are you with the training and development of employees? Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied

8) I would recommend others to work for this company. Yes No Don't Know

Ø Communication

Organizational communication, broadly speaking, is: people working together to achieve individual or collective goals.

People can relate to each other only through some form of communication. The survival of an organization depends on individuals and groups who are able to maintain among themselves effective and continuing relationships. If we can understand organizational communication, we will understand the organization itself. Communication can be defined as "the transfer of meanings between persons and groups". The purpose of communication may range from completing a task or mission to creating and maintaining satisfying human relationships. The word transfer means more than the simple process of "packaging" an idea as conceived by a sender and transporting it to the mind of a receiver, where it is "unpackaged". It implies the creation of meaning in the mind of a sender followed by a re-creation of the same meaning in the mind of a receiver. If something occurs along the way to change the sender's original meaning, the communication has failed in its intent.

Communication may be considered a functional part of an organizational system, and it may be considered in an interpersonal context.

The structure of an organization is determined in part by the network of channels or paths along which information must flow between members or subunits.

Communication is one of the basic functions of management in any organization and its importance can hardly be overemphasized. It is a process of transmitting information, ideas, thoughts, opinions and plans between various parts of an organization.

You cannot have human relations without communication. However, good and effective communication is required not only for good human relations but also for good and successful business.

You can use software’s like business writing software for writing effective business communication, which is required at various levels and for various aspects in an organization such as -

  1. Importance of communication for manager and employee relations:

Effective communication of information and decision is an essential component for management-employee relations. The manager cannot get the work done from employees unless they are communicated effectively of what he wants to be done? He should also be sure of some basic facts such as how to communicate and what results can be expected from that communication. Most of management problems arise because of lack of effective communication. Chances of misunderstanding and misrepresentation can be minimized with proper communication system.

  1. For motivation and employee morale:

Communication is also a basic tool for motivation, which can improve morale of the employees in an organization. Inappropriate or faulty communication among employees or between manager and his subordinates is the major cause of conflict and low morale at work. Manager should clarify to employees about what is to be done, how well are they doing and what can be done for better performance to improve their motivation. He can prepare a written statement, clearly outlining the relationship between company objectives and personal objectives and integrating the interest of the two.

  1. For increase productivity:

With effective communication, you can maintain a good human relation in the organization and by encouraging ideas or suggestions from employees or workers and implementing them whenever possible, you can also increase production at low cost.

For employees:

It is through the communication that employees submit their work reports, comments, grievances and suggestions to their seniors or management. Organization should have effective and speedy communication policy and procedures to avoid delays, misunderstandings, confusion or distortions of facts and to establish harmony among all the concerned people and departments.

  • Importance of written communication:

Communication may be made through oral or written. In oral communication, listeners can make out what speakers is trying to say, but in written communication, text matter in the message is a reflection of your thinking. So, written communication or message should be clear, purposeful and concise with correct words, to avoid any misinterpretation of your message. Written communications provides a permanent record for future use and it also gives an opportunity to employees to put up their comments or suggestions in writing.

  • Use of business writing software for effective business communication:

So, effective communication is very important for successful working of an organization. Writing software like business writing software with grammar checker and text enrichment tool can be used for writing effective business communications.

  • Principles of communication:

Communication is based upon following seven principles; these are known as 7 C’s of communication.

1- Conciseness: It should be notified that the message should be concise in nature so that it will be easy to catch the readers’ attention.

2- Concreteness: Message should be concrete as having all the meanings conveyed in it but should be shorter in length.

3- Clarity: It must give appropriate and explicit meaning that would not diversify and confuse the reader at any instance. By placing prominence and consequences with all the facts and figures.

4- Completeness: Also it is important that the message must have complete meaning that will providing the sufficient information to its reader.

5- Courtesy: Another important feature is that the sender must be emphasizing on the courteous tone and must give some compliments and benefits to its readers.

6- Correctness: The message conveyed must be checked for correctness and should be free from all grammatical errors

7- Consideration: There must be proper consideration in the message and it should emphasize on you attitude rather than ‘I’ and ‘we’ kind of words.

Ø Target

Setting of target is one of the most important things for an organization. Target or goals are set by the departmental heads or the managers for the employees. Management should set the target or the goal rationally. The target or the goal should be set considering the internal and external factors which an employee will face. Internal factors includes the organizational culture what are the resources available for the employees to achieve the target. External factors includes the market factors that is what is demand or the requirement of the customer the current and the future market trends etc. for example if the current trend in the garment industry is of cotton wear the managers should not set a goal of selling silk garment. Target should be set which can be achieved or completed by an employee. For example in an automobile industry marketing or the sales guy should not be given a target of selling 15000 cars in a month. As this target is not possible for an employee to achieve in a month. Another example is of credit cards the managers or the departmental head should not set a target of selling 20000 credit cards in a month which is not at all possible for an employee to achieve. All this kind of irrational setting of target demotivates the employee’s moral to work he loose interest or he may even leave the organization. To improve the organizational climate it is very important to set a friendly target which helps the organization as well as the employee to grow.

Ø Training and Development


It is a learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge, sharpening of skills, concepts, rules, or changing of attitudes and behaviours to enhance the performance of employees. Training is activity leading to skilled behavior. It’s not what you want in life, but it’s knowing how to reach it • It’s not where you want to go, but it’s knowing how to get there • It’• It may not be quite the outcome you were aiming for, but it will be an outcome • It’s not what you dream of doing, but it’s having the knowledge to do it • It's not a set of goals, but it’s more like a vision • It’s not the goal you set, but it’s what you need to achieve it

Training is about knowing where you stand (no matter how good or bad the current situation looks) at present, and where you will be after some point of time.

Training is about the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA) through professional developments not how high you want to rise, but it’s knowing how to take off.

Training refers to the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the teaching of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relates to specific useful skills. It forms the core of apprenticeships and provides the backbone of content at technical colleges and polytechnics. In addition to the basic training required for a trade, occupation or profession, it is recognised today that there is need to continue training beyond initial qualifications to maintain, upgrade and update skills throughout working life. In the context of many professions and occupations this may be referred to as professional development.

A similar term used for workplace learning to improve performance is training and development. Such training can be generally categorized as on-the-job or off-the-job. On-the-job describes training that is given in a normal working situation, using the actual tools, equipment, documents or materials that they will use when fully trained. On-the-job training is usually most effective for vocational work. Off-the-job training takes place away from normal work situation which means that the employee is not regarded as productive worker when training is taking place. An advantage of off-the-job training is that it allows people to get away from work and totally concentrate on the training being given. This type of training is most effective for training concepts and ideas.

Training differs from exercise in that exercise may be an occasional activity for fun. Training is specific and done to improve one's capability, capacity, and performance.

Ø Role Of Training

Importance of Training and Development

  1. Optimum Utilization of Human Resources – Training and Development helps in optimizing the utilization of human resource that further helps the employee to achieve the organizational goals as well as their individual goals.

  2. Development of Human Resources – Training and Development helps to provide an opportunity and broad structure for the development of human resources’ technical and behavioral skills in an organization. It also helps the employees in attaining personal growth.

  3. Development of skills of employees – Training and Development helps in increasing the job knowledge and skills of employees at each level. It helps to expand the horizons of human intellect and an overall personality of the employees.

  4. Productivity – Training and Development helps in increasing the productivity of the employees that helps the organization further to achieve its long-term goal.

  5. Team spirit – Training and Development helps in inculcating the sense of team work, team spirit, and inter-team collaborations. It helps in inculcating the zeal to learn within the employees.

  6. Organization Culture – Training and Development helps to develop and improve the organizational health culture and effectiveness. It helps in creating the learning culture within the organization.

  7. Organization Climate – Training and Development helps building the positive perception and feeling about the organization. The employees get these feelings from leaders, subordinates, and peers.

  8. Quality – Training and Development helps in improving upon the quality of work and work-life.

  9. Healthy work-environment – Training and Development helps in creating the healthy working environment. It helps to build good employee, relationship so that individual goals aligns with organizational goal.

  10. Health and Safety – Training and Development helps in improving the health and safety of the organization thus preventing obsolescence.

  11. Morale – Training and Development helps in improving the morale of the work force.

  12. Image – Training and Development helps in creating a better corporate image.

  13. Profitability – Training and Development leads to improved profitability and more positive attitudes towards profit orientation.

  14. Training and Development aids in organizational development i.e. Organization gets more effective decision making and problem solving. It helps in understanding and carrying out organizational policies

  15. Training and Development helps in developing leadership skills, motivation, loyalty, better attitudes, and other aspects that successful workers and managers usually display.

Ø Employee Retention

Employee Retention services will assist you to:

  1. Identify areas and activities that have the greatest potential benefits in retaining employees.

  2. Allow you to create measurements and metrics to track your progress over time.

  3. Discover what is of most concern to your employees, and therefore the greatest risks to losing them.

  4. Learn the reasons your employees stay to continue and improve in these areas.

  5. Improve your organization with the specific feedback from the tools, and become more attractive to current and potential employees.

Employee Retention factors include:

  • Communication

  • Recognition and appreciation

  • Effectiveness of managers

  • Responsibility and challenge

  • Promises kept and broken

  • Expectations and expectation gaps

  • Corporate Culture

  • Rewards and Compensation

  • Training and development

  • Autonomy, empowerment

  • Advancement potential

  • Intent to leave or stay, and in what time period

  • Themes and trends: getting worse or better

  • Work environment

  • Organizational fairness

  • Fun at work

  • Organizational pride and brand

  • Resources to do job

  • Trust and respect

  • Reasonable deadlines, hours of work, health and working conditions

  • Leadership of company

  • Loyalty, commitment and intent to stay

  • External pull to other jobs and competitors


In an organization employee should feel secured about himself that he should feel secured against robbery or theft about his personal and professional belongings. Unless and until he is not sure of his life he will not work or commit himself towards organization. If the company does not provide security to its employees it spread a bad word of mouth and secondly the exiting employees will also leave the organization this would lead to bad organizational climate. So in order to improve the climate within the organization company should provide special and separate lockers for the employees secondly proper security at the entrance and the exist gate also proper alarm and videos should be placed in case of any emergency. This would make the employees feel secure and ultimately lead to a good and safe organization climate.

Performance appraisal system

Performance appraisal may be defined as a structured formal interaction between a subordinate and supervisor, that usually takes the form of a periodic interview (annual or semi-annual), in which the work performance of the subordinate is examined and discussed, with a view to identifying weaknesses and strengths as well as opportunities for improvement and skills development.

In many organizations - but not all - appraisal results are used, either directly or indirectly, to help determine reward outcomes. That is, the appraisal results are used to identify the better performing employees who should get the majority of available merit pay increases, bonuses, and promotions. By the same token, appraisal results are used to identify the poorer performers who may require some form of counseling, or in extreme cases, demotion, dismissal or decreases in pay. (Organizations need to be aware of laws in their country that might restrict their capacity to dismiss employees or decrease pay.)

Whether this is an appropriate use of performance appraisal - the assignment and justification of rewards and penalties - is a very uncertain and contentious matter.

Performance appraisal can be viewed as the process of assessing and recording staff performance for the purpose of making judgments about staff that lead to decisions. Performance appraisal should also be viewed as a system of highly interactive processes which involve personnel at all levels in differing degrees in determining job expectations, writing job descriptions, selecting relevant appraisal criteria, developing assessment tools and procedures, and collecting interpreting, and reporting results.

Feedback Form headings and instructions: appraisee name, date, feedback respondent name, position (if applicable) plus local instructions and guidelines for completion, etc.

key skill/capability area

skill/capability element

question number

feedback question

feedback score

Optional section: for additional feedback comments about the appraisee (if you provide this option it is advisable to ask respondents to be as constructive as possible.....)

Get together

Nowadays many organization have come up with new idea of get together. In this every quarterly or once in six months company organizes picnics this help the employees to interact with their sub-ordinates from different department as well as it helps the employees to interact with their superior and also from the other department. This is the time where the employees can interact at all level get fresh up and are tension free. These out order help the employees to built up good team spirit they also get to know each other. Company also organizes birthday party for the employees as this help the organization to convey that the employee is important to the organization. The company also takes the employees for movies like chak de India lagan which shows teamwork leadership etc. this is one way by which they can improve the organizational climate as employees enjoy these kind of entertainment.

Rewards and Recognition

Reward/recognition/incentive programs aimed at achieving the internalization of desired behaviors work best when the monetary value is low, as has been shown in psychological research.

“Behavior-based rewards for safety should be given as only “tokens of appreciation”for the many actions people take to keep themselves and others injury-free.”-Scott Geller, Ph.D.

The Importance of Using Rewards and Recognition

Many large companies today spend excessive amounts of money trying to make their employees more productive. However, investing money in the productivity of your employees is useless if the leaders do not understand how to recognize and reward those who are under them.

In addition to money, most people love receiving large amounts of praise and recognition for their accomplishments. A good leader will make his followers feel important. They will seek to create environments where their followers are rewarded for their hard work and success. While the concept of rewards and recognition is not new, it is an indispensable tool for leaders who want to succeed.

To be a great leader, you will need to inspire your followers. They should understand your principles and goals, and should be willing to follow them. You must build a strong bond with them, and the best leaders are those who will inpsire their followers to do more than they thought they were capable of. When you are a good leader, those that will follow you will be capable of achieving virtually anything. However, this will not happen if you do not make them feel valuable. It should be easy to see that monetary rewards are not enough. Many large companies spend millions of dollars each year trying to make their employees more productive, and many of these same companies have high employment turn over rates.

The reason for this is because it is not enough to simply throw money at a problem in order to solve it. There is something more tangible that must be done. The first thing a good leader will want to do is pay attention to those that follow them. You will want to start by doing something as simple as greeting your employees when they come to work. Ask them how they feel. While this may sound like common sense, it is a good way to begin building a strong relationship, because it shows that you care about the well being of those beneath you.

It is always important to listen to what your followers have to say. Even if you are a talented leader, it is important to remember that you are not omnipotent. Your followers may have thoughts and opinions that can be valuable for your organization and beliefs. A failure to listen to employees is one of the primary reasons why many businesses fail. If you fail to communicate, you will fail to succeed. A leader can't lead if they don't have someone to follow them. Listen to your followers and give them your full attention. It is also important for you to use positive language when speaking to those that follow you. Thank them for work they've done, and make it clear that you could not have succeeded without their help.

When you speak to them in a language like this, it conveys a message to them that they are valuable. They will feel important and will want to work hard to help you succeed. They will understand that your success is connect to their own success. But it isn't just enough to tell them how much you appreciate your work. You will want to show it. How do you do this? One way you can accomplish this is by writing it down. Giving a "thank you" card to your employee will make them feel valued. It is also important to make sure you fulfill any promises you make.

For example, never schedule a meeting with an employee that you are not able to attend. If you promise to give an employee a pay raise, make sure it is done. Failing to make promises will show that you are a weak leader who does not stick to your commitments. If you don't stick to your commitments, how can you expect your followers to stick to theirs? The only time you should not be able to fulfill a promise is a situation where you are physically or mentally incapable of doing it. Other than that, you should always fulfill your promises. When you reward your followers, you will create a positive domino effect. Other employees will witness the reward, and will naturally want the recognition for themselves. This will give them an incentive to work harder, which will benefit you and your organization.

Why Reward & Recognize your employees?

By valuing and recognizing people, you harness the power of motivation, which is the single most powerful strategy used to promote performance and positive behaviors.

  • CREATE MOTIVATION: Motivation is the single most powerful strategy used to promote performance and positive behaviors.

  • FEELING VALUED: Most people received greater satisfaction from knowing someone values their contributions.

  • BUILDS SELF-ESTEEM & A SENSE OF BELONGING: These are Personal rewards other than receiving monetary items.

  • IMPROVES INDIVIDUAL ATTITUDES: People really want to do their best.

  • HAS GREATEST IMPACT WHEN IT COMES FROM PEERS: Recognition doesn’t always have to come from managers. More appreciated when it comes from your co-workers. EVERYONE PLAYS A ROLE IN THE RECOGNITION PROCESS.

How will Reward & Recognition benefit my unit?

  • IMPROVE MORALE: For employees Reward & Recognition creates feelings of being special and thus happier on the job. Employees also become more satisfied with their employers.

  • ENHANCE PRODUCTIVITY: If employees feel good about their job, they will perform at a higher level, and become motivated to do a good job.

  • INCREASED COMPETETIVENESS: Organization becomes more successful, more competitive, and efficient in reaching its goal when using Reward & Recognition programs.

  • HIGHER REVENUE AND PROFIT: Use of recognition that encourages employees to work harder will increase in the company's bottom line.

  • DECREASE STRESS: Recognition helps to make work exciting. Employees will "rise to the to challenge" when needed as opposed to feeling out of control or swamped by their work.

  • DECREASED ABSENTEEISM: Appreciation makes workers want to be at work, thus absenteeism declines.

  • DECREASE TURNOVER: Studies show that employee's relationship with their immediate suypervisor is a factor that can be linked to the length of service on a job. Thus, more recognition equals better relationships, decreased turnover, and increased tenure.

  • LOWER RELATED COSTS: As a result of regognition current employees are happy and excited about doing their best work thus the cost of interviewing, hiring and training new employees declines.

Ø HR Policies and Procedures

Human resource management policies are vital for organizations who are serious about resolving personnel issues and finding hr solutions. Absolute hr solutions provides clients with professional human resource advice, human resource policy solutions and job description writing and evaluation services.

Our products and services are intended to help you maximize the effectiveness of your Human Resources function. These products and services incorporate our years of experience so that you receive rapid results and superior value.

As HR specialists, we understand the role of HR. Therefore, our goal is to provide clients with:

Individuals and organizations who are serious about human resources understand the bottom-line importance of job evaluation, job descriptions and effective policies.

That's where we come in. We have over 20 years of human resources experience. Why re-invent the wheel when you can tweak it? We are proud to offer HR solutions that are sure to meet your needs.

Policy Package Pro

This is our flagship product. The 173 examples provided in the Policy Package Pro combine the simplicity of an electronic document with up-to-date, well-researched policy language to help you create or update your policies quickly and efficiently.

This package contains 10 sample policies from the Policy Package Pro. This package will help you develop sexual harassment, AIDS harassment & general harassment policies. Ideal for individuals or organizations who only need this policy.

This package contains 4 sample policies from the Policy Package Pro. This package will help you develop time and attendance policies. Ideal for individuals or organizations looking only for this type of policy & don't want to pay for the Policy Package Pro.

This package contains 28 sample policies from the Policy Package Pro. This package will help you develop policies for the hiring process, nepotism, affirmative action, moving expenses, new employee documentation, offers of appointment and many more. Ideal for individuals or organizations looking only for this particular policy.

This package contains 23 sample policies from the Policy Package Pro. It contains samples of family and illness leave, sick leave, bereavement leave, military leave, voting leave, education leave and more! This affordable package is perfect if you need to develop leaves of absence policies.

This detailed guide provides you with a step-by-step process for building job descriptions for your organization. The guide is loaded with 22 samples to help you with each step. In addition, this system can be applied to any industry.

This package provides you with the same 22 sample job descriptions that come with the Job Description Writing Guide. Ideal for those individuals or organizations looking only for examples & who don't want to pay for the Job Description Writing Guide.

HR Advice Services

You can receive high-quality advice on any number of pressing HR issues, including sexual harassment, nepotism, disciplining and/or firing employees, leaves of absence, sick leave and performance.

Our Job Description Writing Services are ideal for organizations who need a neutral 3rd party to write AND evaluate their positions. By having us provide this service to your organization, your staff will be confident that the descriptions were written and evaluated in a fair manner based solely on job content. This goes a long way to build employee trust and morale.

Our Job Evaluation Services are ideal for organizations in need of a neutral 3rd party to evaluate their positions. By having us provide this service to your organization, your staff will be confident that the evaluations are unbiased and based solely on job content. This goes a long way to build employee trust and morale.

We can write a variety of personnel policies that will cover any number of pressing HR issues, including sexual harassment, nepotism, disciplining and/or firing employees, leaves of absence, sick leave, performance and so much more. If your organization does not have the resources to develop HR policies, we can help.

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