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Success Through Positive Mental Attitude


Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone


Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone's book, "Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude," serves as a powerful guide to harnessing the power of the mind to achieve success. Building on Hill's previous bestseller, "Think and Grow Rich," this book delves into the inner workings of the human psyche, emphasizing that success is a relative term, defined not merely by wealth but by happiness and fulfillment. Through Positive Mental Attitude (PMA), Hill and Stone teach us how to clear mental cobwebs, set and achieve goals, and lead lives filled with purpose and joy.


Understanding Mental Attitudes


Every individual has two sides: one that attracts success, happiness, and prosperity, and another that invites sorrow, frustration, and inferiority. Hill and Stone identify these sides as Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) and Negative Mental Attitude (NMA). They argue that the key to success lies in cultivating a PMA while eliminating NMA.


Negative Mental Attitude (NMA)


NMA is characterized by thoughts such as "I can't," "It's too difficult," and "I'm not good enough." These thoughts create self-imposed limitations that hinder success. People trapped in NMA often resign themselves to unfavorable conditions, believing they cannot change their circumstances. This mindset is a significant barrier to success and fulfillment.


Positive Mental Attitude (PMA)


Conversely, PMA is the foundation of success. It involves a proactive, optimistic approach to life. Individuals with a PMA believe in their potential to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. They see opportunities where others see challenges and maintain a hopeful outlook even in the face of adversity.


The 17 Success Principles


Hill and Stone outline 17 principles essential for achieving success through PMA. These principles, derived from the experiences of successful individuals, provide a roadmap for personal and professional growth.


1. Positive Mental Attitude (PMA)

2. Definiteness of Purpose

3. Going the Extra Mile

4. Accurate Thinking

5. Self-Discipline

6. The Master Mind

7. Applied Faith

8. A Pleasing Personality

9. Personal Initiative

10. Enthusiasm

11. Controlled Attention

12. Teamwork

13. Learning from Defeat

14. Creative Vision

15. Budgeting Time and Money

16. Maintaining Sound Physical and Mental Health

17. Using Cosmic Habit Force (Universal Law)


Mental Bombshells for Attacking Success


1. You've Got a Problem? That's Good!


Many of us feel overwhelmed when we face problems and wish we could avoid them. However, problems are essential for growth and success. Each problem we solve is a rung on the ladder of success, helping us grow in wisdom, stature, and experience. Embracing problems with a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) allows us to become better, stronger, and more successful individuals.


  • Greatness comes to those who develop a burning desire to achieve high goals.

  • Success is achieved and maintained by those who persist with a PMA.

  • To become an expert in any field, it takes consistent practice.

  • Effort and work become enjoyable when you set specific, desirable goals.

  • Every adversity carries the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit for those motivated by PMA.

  • Man's greatest power lies in the power of prayer.


2. Learn to See - Open Your Mind and Learn to See


The greatest danger of the fear of failure is the fear itself. Fear inhibits our ability to think positively and prevents us from attempting things we might be capable of achieving. To overcome this enemy, we must understand our true selves, recognize our strengths and weaknesses, and see things as they are rather than through a distorted lens created by past experiences and emotions.


  • Knowing your specific destination and taking the first step is crucial.

  • The test of your faith is whether you apply it consistently, not just in times of difficulty.

  • Your future depends on what you do now. Therefore, it is essential to set clear goals and work towards them daily.

  • Understanding the bigger picture helps you appreciate the role of small tasks and prevents frustration over menial jobs.


3. The Secret of Getting Things Done - Do It Now!


  • Worrying about success or failure can be paralyzing. The key to success is taking action.

  • By acting, you give yourself the chance to succeed or fail. Inaction guarantees failure. It is better to try and learn from the experience than to do nothing at all.

  • The burden of learning is on those who want to learn.

  • To achieve anything in life, you must study and understand the concepts that lead to success.


4. How to Motivate Yourself - Hope is the Magic Ingredient


Motivation is what induces action or determines choice. It is the hope or force that initiates action to produce specific results. Motivate yourself with PMA by remembering that what the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Recognize the possibility of achieving the improbable and let hope be the magical ingredient in your motivation.


The 10 basic motives that inspire human actions include:

  •   Desire for self-motivation

  •   Emotion of love

  •   Emotion of fear

  •   Emotion of sex

  •   Desire for life after death

  •   Desire for freedom of body and mind

  •   Emotion of anger

  •   Emotion of hate

  •   Desire for recognition and self-expression

  •   Desire for material gain


5. How to Motivate Others - To Be Happy, Make Others Happy


Throughout life, you will both motivate others and be motivated by them. Learn and apply the art of motivation with PMA. Show faith in others to help them develop confidence. Simple actions, like writing a letter of encouragement, can change someone's life for the better. Motivate others by setting an example, offering suggestions, and practicing self-suggestion.


  • One of the surest ways to find happiness is to make others happy. If you seek happiness directly, it can be elusive. But by bringing happiness to others, it will return to you many times over.

  • The difference between people is their attitude—whether it is positive or negative.

  • Abraham Lincoln once said, "People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be." Decide to be happy, and you will be.


6. Find Satisfaction in Your Job - Defeat Can Be a Stepping Stone


No matter your job, you owe it to yourself to find satisfaction in it. Satisfaction is a mental attitude and is more likely if you do what comes naturally to you. When you work in a role that aligns with your natural aptitudes, you avoid mental and emotional conflicts. However, even if you find yourself in a less ideal job, you can neutralize frustrations with PMA and become proficient through motivation and experience.


You tend to excel at what you enjoy doing.

  • If you are in an unfavorable situation, you can either change your position or adjust your environment to suit your characteristics, abilities, and capacities.

  • Developing a positive mental attitude can change your perspective and improve your satisfaction in any job.

  • Set higher goals to push yourself to achieve more, even if you don't hit 100%. This approach ensures continuous improvement and growth.


Thoughts to Steer By


1. Achieve Better Health with PMA: Cultivating a positive mental attitude can significantly improve your health. PMA attracts good health, while NMA can lead to ill health.


2. Think Positively for Better Well-being: Good, cheerful thoughts enhance your mental state and, in turn, your physical well-being. What affects your mind also affects your body.


3. Save Lives with PMA: A positive mental attitude towards your loved ones can have life-saving impacts. Consider the father who saved his infant son by acting with a positive mental attitude.


4. Embrace PMA Proactively: Proactively practicing PMA can prevent adverse outcomes, as opposed to succumbing to NMA. For instance, an engineer’s wife, who embraced NMA, allowed negative outcomes to dominate her life.


5. Internalize PMA Deeply: Develop a positive mental attitude so deeply that it penetrates your subconscious mind. In times of need or emergency, it will automatically guide your conscious mind, even in the face of life’s greatest challenges.


6. Draw Inspiration from Spiritual and Motivational Texts: Studying the Bible and other inspirational books can inspire you and teach you how to motivate yourself towards positive actions, helping you achieve your goals.


7. Apply the 17 Success Principles: Learn and implement the 17 success principles in your life. These principles provide a comprehensive guide to achieving success through PMA.


8. Health Over Wealth: Wealth alone cannot buy good health. Achieve good health by striving for it and following simple hygiene and health habits.


9. Educate Yourself on Health and Hygiene: PMA acknowledges the importance of education in physical, mental, and social hygiene. Ignorance in these areas can lead to severe consequences. Stay informed about current developments affecting your overall health.


10. Never Lose Hope: There is always potential for a cure for any ailment. Developing a positive mental attitude can help you remain hopeful and proactive in seeking the right solutions at the right time.


11. Stay Alert and Prevent Accidents with PMA: A positive mental attitude keeps you alert to potential dangers, helping to prevent accidents and tragedies. If adversity strikes, PMA can guide you in handling the situation calmly and effectively.


12. Attain a Sound Mind and Body with PMA: By putting a positive mental attitude to work, you can achieve both a sound mind and a healthy body. Remember, PMA can help you enjoy better health and live a longer, more fulfilling life.


Applying PMA in Today's World


Mental and Physical Health


PMA significantly impacts mental and physical health. A positive attitude can enhance overall well-being, while NMA can lead to stress, anxiety, and physical ailments. In today's fast-paced world, maintaining a PMA is crucial for managing stress and promoting longevity. For instance, adopting a positive outlook can improve immune function, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and enhance mental resilience.


Personal and Professional Relationships


PMA fosters better relationships, both personally and professionally. Individuals with a positive attitude are more approachable, empathetic, and supportive. They build stronger connections, leading to more meaningful interactions and a supportive network. In the workplace, PMA can improve teamwork, enhance communication, and create a more positive work environment.


Goal Setting and Achievement


Setting clear, achievable goals is essential for success. PMA helps individuals maintain focus and motivation, even when faced with obstacles. By believing in their ability to succeed, individuals are more likely to take proactive steps toward their goals. This principle is particularly relevant in today's dynamic work environment, where adaptability and perseverance are key.


Overcoming Challenges with PMA




Hill and Stone emphasize that problems are opportunities for growth. Viewing challenges through a lens of PMA can transform obstacles into stepping stones. For example, a business facing a downturn can use the situation to innovate and diversify, ultimately emerging stronger.


Fear of Failure


Fear of failure can paralyze individuals, preventing them from taking action. PMA encourages individuals to see failure as a learning experience rather than a setback. This mindset fosters resilience and a willingness to take risks, both of which are essential for personal and professional growth.


The Relevance of PMA in Modern Times


In today's rapidly changing world, the principles of PMA are more relevant than ever. Technological advancements, globalization, and societal changes have created both opportunities and challenges. PMA provides a framework for navigating this complex landscape.


Innovation and Creativity


A positive mindset encourages innovation and creativity. By embracing change and viewing challenges as opportunities, individuals and organizations can develop innovative solutions and stay ahead of the competition. For instance, companies like Apple and Google thrive on a culture of positivity and creativity, driving continuous innovation.


Leadership and Influence


Effective leadership is grounded in PMA. Leaders who inspire and motivate others through a positive attitude foster a culture of collaboration and excellence. They lead by example, creating an environment where employees feel valued and empowered. In today's world, where employee engagement and retention are critical, positive leadership is essential.


Personal Fulfillment


Beyond professional success, PMA contributes to personal fulfillment. A positive attitude enhances life satisfaction, relationships, and overall happiness. By focusing on the positive aspects of life and maintaining an optimistic outlook, individuals can lead more fulfilling lives.


Becoming Better People through PMA


Hill and Stone's teachings extend beyond achieving success; they offer a path to becoming better individuals. By embracing PMA, we can develop qualities that enhance our character and positively impact those around us.


Compassion and Empathy


A positive attitude fosters compassion and empathy. By understanding and appreciating others' perspectives, we can build stronger, more supportive relationships. These qualities are essential for creating inclusive and harmonious communities.


Integrity and Accountability


PMA encourages integrity and accountability. By maintaining a positive outlook, we are more likely to uphold ethical standards and take responsibility for our actions. These qualities are crucial for building trust and credibility in both personal and professional settings.


Continuous Improvement


PMA inspires a commitment to continuous improvement. By setting high standards and striving for excellence, we can achieve our full potential. This principle applies to all areas of life, from personal development to professional growth.


Practical Applications of PMA


Daily Affirmations


Incorporating daily affirmations into your routine can reinforce a positive mindset. Affirmations are positive statements that help overcome negative thoughts and self-doubt. For example, starting the day with affirmations like "I am capable of achieving my goals" or "I approach challenges with a positive attitude" can set a constructive tone for the day.


Mindfulness and Meditation


Practicing mindfulness and meditation can enhance mental clarity and emotional stability. These practices help cultivate a positive outlook by reducing stress and increasing self-awareness. Mindfulness encourages living in the present moment, which can improve overall well-being and foster a positive mental attitude.


Gratitude Journaling


Keeping a gratitude journal is an effective way to focus on the positive aspects of life. By regularly recording things you are grateful for, you can shift your focus from negative to positive experiences. This practice can enhance your overall sense of well-being and reinforce a positive mental attitude.


Setting SMART Goals


Setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals can provide clarity and direction. A positive mental attitude can help you stay motivated and resilient in pursuing these goals. By breaking down larger goals into smaller, manageable steps, you can maintain a sense of progress and accomplishment.


Guiding Thoughts for a Positive Mental Attitude


1. Achieve Better Health with a Positive Mental Attitude: Cultivating a positive mental attitude (PMA) can significantly improve your health. PMA attracts good health, while a negative mental attitude (NMA) can lead to ill health.


2. Think Positively for Better Well-being: Good, cheerful thoughts enhance your mental state and, in turn, your physical well-being. What affects your mind also affects your body.


3. Save Lives with PMA: A positive mental attitude towards your loved ones can have life-saving impacts. Consider the father who saved his infant son by acting with a positive mental attitude.


4. Embrace PMA Proactively: Proactively practicing PMA can prevent adverse outcomes, as opposed to succumbing to NMA. For instance, an engineer’s wife, who embraced NMA, allowed negative outcomes to dominate her life.


5. Internalize PMA Deeply: Develop a positive mental attitude so deeply that it penetrates your subconscious mind. In times of need or emergency, it will automatically guide your conscious mind, even in the face of life’s greatest challenges.


6. Draw Inspiration from Spiritual and Motivational Texts: Studying the Bible and other inspirational books can inspire you and teach you how to motivate yourself towards positive actions, helping you achieve your goals.


7. Apply the 17 Success Principles: Learn and implement the 17 success principles in your life. These principles provide a comprehensive guide to achieving success through PMA.


8. Health Over Wealth: Wealth alone cannot buy good health. Achieve good health by striving for it and following simple hygiene and health habits.


9. Educate Yourself on Health and Hygiene: PMA acknowledges the importance of education in physical, mental, and social hygiene. Ignorance in these areas can lead to severe consequences. Stay informed about current developments affecting your overall health.


10. Never Lose Hope: There is always potential for a cure for any ailment. Developing a positive mental attitude can help you remain hopeful and proactive in seeking the right solutions at the right time.


11. Stay Alert and Prevent Accidents with PMA: A positive mental attitude keeps you alert to potential dangers, helping to prevent accidents and tragedies. If adversity strikes, PMA can guide you in handling the situation calmly and effectively.


12. Attain a Sound Mind and Body with PMA: By putting a positive mental attitude to work, you can achieve both a sound mind and a healthy body. Remember, PMA can help you enjoy better health and live a longer, more fulfilling life.




Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone's "Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude" offers timeless principles for achieving success and fulfillment. By embracing PMA and the 17 success principles, individuals can transform their lives, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals. In today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, these teachings are more relevant than ever. By applying these principles, we can become better people, build stronger relationships, and lead more fulfilling lives. Through daily affirmations, mindfulness, gratitude, and goal setting, we can cultivate a positive mental attitude and unlock our full potential.

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