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Writer's pictureJim Sanders




A team is simply defined as "people doing something together." While this definition may appear basic, it captures the essence of teamwork: collaboration. Teams are ubiquitous in various aspects of life, including sports (hockey teams), emergency services (rescue teams), corporate environments (management teams), and more. The key element that distinguishes a successful team is the "together" part of the equation. This cohesion, or lack thereof, can make or break a team. But discontent is as much a reality in business organizations. Why?


Human Discontent


Human discontent is a reality in business organizations for a complex mix of reasons. A breakdown of why it's so common:


Misaligned Needs and Expectations:


  • Individual vs. Organizational Goals: Employees have personal aspirations and goals, while organizations prioritize profit and efficiency. This misalignment can lead to discontent if individual needs aren't addressed.

  • Unrealistic Expectations: Sometimes, expectations aren't clearly defined. Employees might feel overworked if they're unaware of workload expectations, or undervalued if their contributions aren't recognized.


Work Environment Factors:


  • Lack of Autonomy and Control: Micromanagement or a rigid work environment can stifle creativity and lead to feelings of disempowerment.

  • Unfair Compensation or Work-life Balance: Feeling underpaid, overworked, or lacking flexibility to manage personal commitments can breed discontent.

  • Toxic Workplace Culture: A culture of bullying, harassment, or lack of respect can have a significant negative impact on employee morale.


Personality Clashes and Communication Issues:


  • Differing Personalities: Not everyone gets along perfectly. Personalities can clash, leading to friction and frustration within teams.

  • Poor Communication: Miscommunication can lead to misunderstandings, resentment, and a feeling of not being heard.


Unmet Potential and Lack of Growth:


  • Stagnant Work: Employees crave opportunities to learn, grow, and develop new skills. Feeling stuck in a dead-end job can lead to discontent.

  • Unrecognized Achievements: Not receiving recognition for accomplishments can be demotivating and lead to feelings of being undervalued.


It's important to note that discontent isn't always negative. Sometimes, it can be a sign that employees are passionate and engaged. The key for organizations is to create an environment where discontent is addressed constructively, leading to positive change and a more engaged workforce.


How can corporations effectively manage discontent by conducting a root cause analysis:


Identifying Discontent:


  • Pulse Surveys and Focus Groups: Conduct anonymous surveys or focus groups to gather employee feedback on morale, satisfaction, and areas of concern.

  • Exit Interviews: During exit interviews with departing employees, understand their reasons for leaving. This can provide valuable insights into potential sources of discontent.

  • Monitor Employee Engagement: Track metrics like absenteeism, presenteeism (going through the motions), and turnover to identify potential red flags.


Conducting Root Cause Analysis:


  • Focus on "Why" Not Just "What": Once areas of discontent are identified, don't just address the symptoms. Dig deeper to understand the underlying reasons behind the issues.

  • Use Data and Anecdotes: Combine quantitative data from surveys with qualitative data from focus groups and one-on-one conversations to get a holistic view.

  • Techniques Like 5 Whys: Apply the "5 Whys" technique, where you ask "why" five times in a row to peel back the layers and reach the root cause.


Examples of Discontent and Root Causes:


Discontent: High turnover among customer service representatives.

  • Root Cause: Unrealistic call quotas leading to burnout.

Discontent: Low morale in the marketing department.

  • Root Cause: Lack of clear direction and disconnect between marketing and sales goals.

Discontent: Increased absenteeism in the manufacturing plant.

  • Root Cause: Unsafe working conditions or unfair compensation practices.




  • Develop Solutions: Based on the identified root causes, develop targeted solutions to address the core issues.

  • Communication is Key: Communicate the findings of the root cause analysis and the planned solutions to employees. This shows transparency and fosters trust.

  • Track Progress and Adapt: Monitor the impact of the implemented solutions and be willing to adapt and iterate as needed.


Benefits of Root Cause Analysis:


  • Addressing the Real Issues: By focusing on root causes, corporations can implement sustainable solutions that prevent discontent from recurring.

  • Improved Employee Engagement: When employees feel their concerns are heard and addressed, they are more likely to be engaged and productive.

  • Positive Work Environment: By proactively managing discontent, corporations can foster a more positive and supportive work environment for all employees.


By using a root cause analysis to address discontent, corporations can create a happier, healthier, and more productive workplace for everyone.


The Social Nature of Humans


Humans are inherently social beings. This social inclination suggests that working together effectively as a team should be a natural aspiration. Interestingly, many of us long to be part of a team and contribute meaningfully. However, despite this intrinsic desire, people often struggle to collaborate effectively. Teams frequently experience confusion, misguidance, ignorance, and internal strife. Camaraderie, cooperation, and togetherness can often seem elusive, leading to underachievement and unfulfilled potential. Leaders may fail to lead effectively, resulting in disagreements, clashes, discontent, blame, and chaos.


Teams Are Made, Not Born


While humans are naturally drawn to the idea of belonging to a team, they are not always willing to set aside their individual lives and priorities for the team’s sake. This creates an inherent conflict between individual goals and team objectives.


A Typical Team Conflict Case Scenario


Consider a team of four members: Ashwin, Uday, Kaustubh, and Mehul. They work at a software consultancy firm, developing a software solution for an engineering problem. Ashwin, the designer, feels demoted because he has already designed a similar module. He ends up being snobbish, arguing with other team members and feeling that his time is wasted. Uday, the tester, seeks recognition for his past contributions and wishes to spend more time with his family. He is often frustrated by the lack of acknowledgment. Kaustubh, the hardware engineer, is enthusiastic and energetic, expecting the same zeal from his teammates, which leads to friction when his expectations are not met. Mehul, the sales engineer, is ambitious but feels his career has stagnated. He doubts the team’s mission will help him achieve his goals.

Despite their individual talents and lack of personal animosity, these team members experience conflicts due to differing expectations and goals. These conflicts, though seemingly minor, can build up over time, hindering the team's performance.


Conflict Case Scenario - What Next?


In this scenario, a seemingly well-equipped team faces challenges due to unmet needs and differing expectations. Here's a breakdown of what might happen:

Ashwin (Designer): Feeling like his skills are underutilized can lead to him becoming disengaged and dismissive of his teammates' work (being snobbish). He might rush through tasks or provide low-quality designs, impacting the overall project.

Uday (Tester): Frustrated by a lack of recognition, Uday might become withdrawn or critical. He might focus on finding minor bugs to prove his worth rather than working collaboratively to find solutions. This could slow down the development process.

Kaustubh (Hardware Engineer): Kaustubh's enthusiasm might clash with the demotivated team. His constant energy could be misinterpreted as pressure or micromanagement. This could lead to friction with teammates who are already feeling stressed.

Mehul (Sales Engineer): Doubting the project's value can lead Mehul to be less invested. He might not contribute his full sales expertise or focus on promoting the project internally, hindering its overall success.


Conflict Case Scenario - Overall Impact:


  • Communication Breakdown: Unresolved conflict can lead to miscommunication and a lack of trust within the team.

  • Decreased Productivity: Demotivation and friction can hinder the team's ability to work effectively together, leading to missed deadlines and delays.

  • Lower Quality Work: Disengaged team members are less likely to put in their best effort, potentially resulting in a less polished final product.


The good news is that this conflict doesn't have to derail the project. By openly discussing their concerns and fostering better communication, the team can overcome these challenges.


Conflicts in the Workplace


Workplace conflicts often manifest as a barrage of complaints and dissatisfaction:


  • Complaints and Blame: "Nobody listens to me." This sentiment circulates in break rooms and social gatherings, leading to a cycle of complaints and diminishing morale.

  • Passing the Blame: "It's your idea, not mine." When problems arise, individuals start shifting blame, further escalating conflicts.

  • Resistance to Change: People often complain about the lack of change or the disruptions caused by change, creating a paradox of dissatisfaction.


Defining Conflict


Conflict arises from perceived differences in positions or interests. It can occur between subordinates, across hierarchies, or due to ineffective communication and misunderstanding of team goals. Rarely do two people simultaneously recognize a difference in positions or interests, giving the first person who perceives it the greatest opportunity to influence the outcome.


The Initial Stage of Conflict


The first moments when someone realizes the potential for loss are crucial. Every conflict represents a perceived potential loss. The first person can either foster a positive response or look for signs of disagreement, setting the tone for the interaction. Conflict can be resolved before the other person even realizes it exists if handled appropriately.


Simple Definition of Conflict


A basic definition of conflict is "a state of tension due to perceived incompatibility of actions or goals." It involves contradictory values, perspectives, and opinions that have not been aligned or agreed upon.


Conflict - It's a word that conjures images of arguments, disagreements, and maybe even full-blown fights. But conflict is more than just negativity. It's a natural part of life, and understanding its different facets can help you navigate it effectively. Here's a breakdown of conflict in all its complexity:


The Essence of Conflict:


At its core, conflict is a situation where two or more parties perceive their needs, wants, or goals to be incompatible. This incompatibility can arise from various factors:

  • Differing Interests: People naturally have different desires and priorities. One person might prioritize a quick decision, while another might value careful consideration.

  • Opposing Values: Underlying beliefs and principles can clash. Someone might prioritize efficiency, while another prioritizes fairness.

  • Scarce Resources: When there are limited resources (like time, money, or power) to go around, competition can lead to conflict.

  • Miscommunication: When messages get muddled or misinterpreted, it can create misunderstandings and friction.


Types of Conflict:


Not all conflicts are created equal. Here are some common classifications:


  • Task Conflict: This focuses on disagreements about how to complete a task or achieve a goal. It can be productive, leading to innovative solutions.

  • Relationship Conflict: This centers on interpersonal clashes, personality differences, or hurt feelings. It can be destructive if left unaddressed.

  • Process Conflict: This involves disagreements about the rules, procedures, or workflows used to get things done. It can be disruptive if it hinders progress.

  • Value Conflict: This arises from fundamental differences in beliefs or principles. It can be especially challenging to resolve.


The Impact of Conflict:


Conflict can have both positive and negative consequences:


  • Positive Impacts: Conflict can spark creativity, innovation, and critical thinking. It can also lead to stronger relationships as people work through their differences and reach a deeper understanding.

  • Negative Impacts: Unmanaged conflict can lead to stress, anxiety, resentment, and even violence. It can also damage relationships and hinder productivity.


Effective Conflict Resolution:


The key to managing conflict effectively lies in healthy communication and a willingness to understand the other side's perspective. Here are some essential skills:


  • Active Listening: Pay close attention to what the other person is saying, both verbally and non verbally.

  • Assertiveness: Express your own needs and wants clearly and confidently, while respecting the other person's rights.

  • Empathy: Try to see things from the other person's perspective and understand their feelings.

  • Problem-solving: Work collaboratively to find a solution that addresses both parties' needs.


Conflict is inevitable. But by understanding its nature, different forms, and how to navigate it constructively, you can turn it into an opportunity for growth and positive change.


Effects of Conflicts


The Positive Side of Conflict


The functional view of organizational conflict sees it as a productive force that can stimulate knowledge, skill development, and organizational innovation. Conflict can bring diverse views to the table, leading to new ways of doing things. It provides feedback about what is not working, offering opportunities for improvement.


Advantages of Conflict


Conflict can:

1. Raise and address problems.

2. Energize work on critical issues.

3. Motivate participation and engagement.

4. Help people recognize and benefit from their differences.


The Negative Side of Conflict


Conflict becomes problematic when it:

1. Hampers productivity.

2. Lowers morale.

3. Causes ongoing conflicts.

4. Leads to inappropriate behaviors.


Disadvantages of Conflict


Conflict is detrimental when it:

1. Hampers productivity.

2. Lowers morale.

3. Causes more and continued conflicts.

4. Leads to inappropriate behaviors.




Discontent among employees is a silent drain on productivity and innovation, and for corporate managers and leaders, identifying and addressing the root causes of this discontent is crucial for building a thriving business. Just like a doctor wouldn't prescribe medication without diagnosing the illness, effective leaders look beyond surface complaints like high turnover or low morale. By utilizing a root cause analysis for discontent, they can delve deeper, using surveys, focus groups, and exit interviews to gather the "why" behind the "what." Imagine a situation where a customer service department experiences a spike in resignations. 


The root cause analysis might uncover unrealistic call quotas leading to burnout, not simply a dislike for interacting with customers. This deeper understanding allows for targeted solutions – revamping call center processes, investing in mental health resources, or fostering a more collaborative team environment. The benefits extend far beyond resolving immediate issues. When employees feel their voices are heard and their concerns addressed, a sense of trust and ownership blossoms. This not only improves engagement and morale but so fosters a culture of open communication, where challenges are seen as opportunities for growth. Root cause analysis isn't a one-time fix; it's an ongoing process. By using data to track the impact of implemented solutions and remaining adaptable, leaders ensure they stay ahead of potential discontent and cultivate a work environment where employees feel valued, empowered, and excited to contribute their best selves. After all, a happy and healthy workforce is the foundation for a truly successful and sustainable organization.

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