Behavioral Event Interview By Ganesh Shermon
Concept - BEI - On the basis of behavioral evidence
Applicability - All Roles
Technique - BEI in an Assessment - Development Centers, General Interviews
Time - Between 60 to 240 minutes
Complexity - Low to Very High - Depending upon indepth BEI interviewing Technique
Validity - High
Licence - Each Booklet for One Assessor only
Upgrades - Available every 24 months, upon request
Behavioral Event Interview
The theory of Behavioral Event Interview (BEI) considers past performance to be a predictor of future behavior. The theory considering past performance to be a predictor of future behavior.
This is a good indicator of how the individual is likely to perform in a similar situation in future. A Behavioral Event Interview (BEI) is a structured interview that is used to collect information about behaviors demonstrated in the past.
A behavioral event interview attempts to uncover past performance of an assessee by asking open-ended questions and allowing the assesse to share his/her experiences as the interviewers captures and records competencies, behavior and performance demonstrated by the individual in those situations.
BEI is typically conducted face-to-face whenever possible